Saturday, May 31, 2008

boredom is taking over the world.

Boredom is trying to take over the world. but don't worry! my pac man narwhal shark is going to save us all!! cause he has an awesome cape... he's on the front of my binder.... he's pretty cool

me and dani are pretty bored. we're at her house... cause i'm supposed to go to patti's but i think haley has to clean her room after seh gets home from shopping......

so for like an hour and a half me and dnai have been watching some pretty stupid (but funny) videos on youtube. jst search fred lost his meds. and theres like 13 videos with that same kid acting all stupid. and earlier today we watched this rele stupid one with 2 guys, and they were talking about if asian epople are form asia or south africa. then they had another one about dating advice. it was pretty funny. cause they said number 1. and then they's say something. but then their numbers were all off. so they went from 11 to 5 to 17 it was pretty weird. and my favorite one was them saying that you shouldn't kill the person on ur first date. and that u shouldn't have braces cause they're ugly and attract "magnetic rifles" so yeah. thats basically been my whole day. cept mowing a lawn. which was rele rele boring. and i haven't even been paid yet, cause they weren't home, and sitll weren't when i left. so yeah.

hmmm... what else is there to write about... dani says i should write about her dog. so i guess i will. that is pinto. right now he's eating. and he likes licking things, and he's very funny when you stick the blow dyer in his face. now he's snffing teh kitchen floor. now he's walking back to his food. now he's coming over here. now he's on dani's lap. he's lickin his chops! now dani got him excited, and he thinks theres a squirell outside. he went outside to find it. now he's coughing. ooo he's sniffing the grass now. he cam back in now. and he's walking through the living room. now he's looking intently through the window by the front door.
hmmm.... i wonder when haley's going ot be done. i'm rele hyper, and tired all at the same time!!! and me and dani can't jst ditch hte house like we usually do. cause we have to wait for haley. so yeha. we're stuck here with nothing to do. i could go play the addicting sheep game, but i don't feel like it. or i could go do the one with all teh colors. but i ace that 100% evry time. so it's no fun anymore. (theres links to both of those on the side bar somewhere) and i don't feel like getting on the youth message board. and i have no emails. and i'm on danis computer, so i can't IM anybody, the only one on on her thing is me, but i'm here, not at home! hmmm... i should go contemplate about this on a driveway for hours.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


well... i have nothing to write about... so how bout sunday!

so... after sunday school me and ashley decided to spend the day together until youth group... so after sitting through service we decided to go to her house and go swimming. so ashley was like, so we'll need to stop by your house and get ur stuff? so i was like yeah... and ashley said, wait, you can get in right!?! and i was like no ashley, we're going to sit in my driveway and comtemplate for hours on how to get inside! so we laughed and so now i say i'm going to contemplate on a driveway about that for hours. we aslo made up TSEP.... idk if i can tell you what that means tho, cause ashley made it seem last night that she didn't want other poeple to know..... so yeah

haha speaking of last night.... the bible quiz team had a party last night. because we're done finally with that dinner theater! it was a ton of fun! first we ate dinner, then the girls went swimming, and i think the guys went and played badmidden (sp??) so then the girls got out of the pool, the guys got in, and all the girls went and played volleyball. which was AWESOME! i haven't played with other people in sooo long! i'm always jst bumping it to myself. so yeah. we played that for a while, and people either started leaving or jst not playing anymore. so after a while it was 3 on 3. me ashley and dani, and then on the other side, dehra, haley, and krista. but then ashley left. so it was 2 on three. and then dani decided to go do something else. and it was 3 on 1. and i SO won!! it was fun! cause i had to dive for like every ball. cause i was alone and had to cover the whole quart, which rele isn't that easy! anyways... so yeah after the party dani came over for a sleepover, cause kristas having a little bday party and she didn't want her there. so we goofed around for a while here and texted ashley. =] then yeha, now she's hear, and we're doing nothing, becuase we;re tired, and i rele don't feel like going and mowing my neighbors lawn.,.... but i have to some time before patti picks me up to stay the night at her house.... =]
haha this was the only pic i got of the entire night, i had a few of ashley but she got ahold of my phone and she deleted them! meanie head! ij!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008


UGH I'M SO MAD! DAVID COOK WON AMERICAN IDOL LAST NIGHT! and EVERYONE knows david archuletta was a WAY WAY WAY better singer!!! not that freak with a beard and GIGANTIC elf feet! SO I HATE AMERICA! and last night i was rele angry and said i was moving to Wyoming, i hadnt realized till after i said it that Wyoming is still in the stupid country that doesn't know who can sing and who can't! like david cook sang dare you to move by switchfoot like 2 weeks ago and he MURDERED it! i'm sorry ashley (biggest david cook fan ever) but it's true! it was... NOT GOOD! and UGH! but i guess i deserve it, caues last year i wanted Jordin to win and Ashley like Blake, like A LOT and then Jordin won and yeah.... so i guess i jst got what i deserved for rubbing it in her face last year =] srry about that =] haha so after they announced who won i got a text from ashley and it said... "Omg omg omg i'm like crying and like hyperventilating! omg! yeah, she's pretty crazy (haha ILY!) you would understand if you saw her tuesday night! they didn't even announce who won! so yeah. i'll miss you all while i'm in wyoming! CAUSE I HATE AMERICA! CAUSE THE AWESOME PUSSOM DAVID ARCHULETTA DIDN'T WIN!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Funny Comercial

i'm just going to start posting funny commercials, cause i have nothing better to do =]

k, theres a family sitting at the dinner table...

Mom: So, who did you guys pick for your fav five?

Daughter: I picked someone, someone, Jackie, Jill, and Jenny

Son: *Looks down at his food* Thats funny, i picked someone, someone, Jackie, Jill, and Jenny. your friends are HOT.

Daughter: (to parents) Are you going to do anything?

Dad: well... maybe you should have uglier friends.

=] well theres your laugh for the day =]

American Idol

Tonights the American Idol finale! yay! I wanted to watch it with Ashley and Dani, but they have/had stuff going on... so yeah.... i'm stuck watching it with me myself and I, we're going to have so much fun! hehe. me and ashley and dani call it the Battle of the Davids, and it's kinda a battle between us too, cause she rele wants David Cook to win, and i think David Archuletta should win. cause David A. is a WAY better singer than David Cook, AND SHE TOTALLY KNOWS IT! haha yesterday i went over to ashley's house and we watched it, cause we couldn't see the exciting part of the finale (tonight) and we were sooooo hyper, ashley shoved like 13 cookies in her face, a few of em got chucked at the TV and she ran and ate them off the floor, so now i have like 7 HILLARIOUS videos of her freaking out at the tv on my phone, i'll show em to you if you ask the next time you see me =] hehe well i'll probly scream and write about the finale later or tomorrow... either i'm screaming cause i'm excited that David A won, cause he will! or screaming cause i'm mad cause David Cook won, but don't worry, that SO isn't happening =]

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Patti Lingo

HAHA well... if you've ever been with patti for more than five minutes you know she has her own words that she says all the time! and me and Dani call it Patti Lingo. so heres jst some of the things she says. and i'll probly think of more later and add them!

  • fester
  • nut ball
  • i have to use the facilities
  • whose chonies are these?
  • crank up the tunes!
  • warm fuzzies
  • splashes of joy
  • what a boney biscuit you have!
  • i wish i had such a petite figure!
  • Pats soo hot, and so is his butt!
  • your so cute!
  • you guys are just killin me!
  • thats so much funny
  • time's a wastin' (thats her make us shut up song)
  • do i need to sit between you!
  • my hair is just driving me crazy!
  • i gotta a bruise.... wanna see it!?! (inside joke from camp!)
  • u guys!
  • it was so gay! (shes only said that once, and it was like 2 years ago. but we STILL make fun of her for it! i think i even heard people do it tonight!)

theres a lot more, but some i rele shouldn't put em on here... stuff for the MFC GIRLS only =] haha WE LOVE YOU PATTI!

Saturday, May 17, 2008


GUESS WHAT! TODAY'S KRISTA'S BDAY! she's 13! a teenager.... wow... =D jsts weird... cause its.... Krista... and she's soooo small! (but i love ur smalles, odn't hate me cause i said that!) but i do have to say shes way more mature than i am! i'm a total nut ball (some patti lingo thre for ya!)
(accually Krista's bday was yesterday (Saturday) but i started this and was just too busy to finihs it on time! srry krista, it's late, but it's here!)

anyways... well happy bday! and... me and haley have a little surprise your way at sunday school in about 2 hours... but u wont read this by then! ANYWAYS..... =]

Krista, you've been an awesome friend... sorry we haven't spent that much time together as me and dani cause dani doesn't like having you around... and i never want to get in teh middle of that... but anyways. one thing i know is that i can be around you and not worry about getting any negative influees from you, you're just so innocent 0=] well... HAPPY BDAY! =]

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mystery at Montley's Manor

Since March or April, the MFC bible quiz team has been working on a dinner theater, Mystery At Montley's Manor, as a fundraiser for next year! it was kinda annoying being at the church earlier every sunday again, but we had some fun being together. and Friday and Saturday we performed, and we had a lot of fun with a few surprises, forgotten lines, messed up stage props, and serving people... friday i served "Garrett's People" as he put it, and Saturday i served my family neighbors and Kaylin from school and her mom. well heres some pics.....

Ok... so Dereks Charaacter (Robert) was Montley's son, and Montley (who was played by Marcus) had died and Charrolette (Shreela) his nurse had inheritted the manor.... soo derek's ccharacter wanted the manor, and so pretended to like shreela.... so in the first pic they were saying they're lines about getting married and shreela says "OH Robert! you mean it! we can get married!" and there was a kissing scene somewhere else but we took it out, but shreela added this one in on Saturday and got a lot of extra money donated cause she talked to some people about it (including my dad, so he donated an extra 20$) so after she said that line, she (tried) to kiss derek, but derek didn't know about it.... so yeah. that explains his face in the second picture, and he was trying to pull away, there was also money on it that derek would forget his next line, but he didn't. but when he exited his face is still red and he was like 'so we were just sitting there saying our lines, and then i see her coming at me! and i was like OMG!! so I pulled away but she just kept coming!!!' so yeha, it was funny.
there's Charolette (shreela), Jones (Ryker), and Mora (Ashley) all sitting on the couch during our play, i think that was when i was up there, they're all looking in my direction

there the peoples in the kitchen, and me (Sherriff!!!!!) arresting Guy Nestor (JD) and me saying one of my 3 whole lines =] theres me serving dessert saturday night...
there's me serving dessert to "Garrett's People" as he put it on friday night, and then theres Robert (derek) Cook (Dani) Gertrude (Natalie) and Charolette (shreela!) and this picture was the very first time i had seen that costume for shreela, i'm always in the back!

haha kyle was a hobo! hahaha he was old Tom, Garrett had played Thomas, the butler, adn kyle was the older version of him as a hobo cause he had lost his job.... as the butler! and garrett loves his mommy!
haha ryker's character (Jones) was supposed to be fat, and lets jst say ryker isnt fat. so we had this one thing under his shirt to make him fat... i thought it looked hillarious. one of my favorite lines of his (accually my 2nd favorite) was "I'm fat because i eat, but what's your excuse for being ugly Fay (haley)?? so yeah....

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sunday School Lesson!

Today we had a pretty fun sunday school lesson!

Patti started by talking about how we have goals and stuff we want to do... so we went into Emmaus hall and all spread out on the floor, and kind of made a timeline of what we want to do with our lives. i didn't accually make a timeline, jst listed a bunch of things... here it is (i hope i get it all!) and haha, of corse, this was all written in green!

  • Get my driver's liscens
  • Drive a lime green bug =]
  • gruduate from Compass High School
  • Get into George Fox
  • Play volley ball in college
  • Graduate with a degree in Psychology
  • Get a job as a Psychologist/social worker
  • Get married
  • Own a house
  • Have a boy named Jeremy Todd
  • Have a girl named Charlie Grace <3>
  • Move into a bigger house - that Shreela (who wants to be an architect is going to design and build for me!)
  • Drive a bigger car =] haha! ( i was a little hyper this morning, i had a coffee on the way! cause it's my bday and i get lots of special stuffs!)
  • Have another girl named ????
  • ... hm... i think that waz it. so then i put retire! yay! and haley put to the side that she was going to b my babysitter =] and she put that i was going to b hers on her paper =]

well i think thats it. if you want to see it i think pattis putting em all on the wall in the jr high room! so then after we did that patti talked to us about how thats what we wanted with our lives, but it might not work out cause it might not b what God wants and stuff. and then i went and sold tickets for the dinner theater at fellowship! yay!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Friend of the day: Dani <3

Dani Marie Niswander <3

Dani is my BFF and has been since i was 7 or 8 and she was 8 or 9. I remember probly this weekend 6 years ago i invited her to my bday party at the roller drome, and we someone how found enough money to do one of those picture booth things, i'll have to see if i can find that picture and scan it! it's so stinkin cute! we both had colored tongues! OMG i jst looked in our old share journal, and i found one of those pictures! it's not the one i was hoping for, but it's stilll from that same day =] well it wont let me do anything with it, but if you RELE want to see it i think i can email it to you =] But to make up, i found another old one, it's not AS old, probly 3-4 years =] but we always go to three island crossing to go camping for me and krista's bdays, but it didn't work out this year =[ we were supposed to go last weekend. anyways... back to dani... we have a lot of memories of camping there... but nothing special enough to write about... but yeah.... we always have a ton of fun! like last time we went there we made a fried chicken flavored worm =] wow... a lot has happened between us from this time last year.... but i'll probly talk about that later. when me and dani were younger, probly 3-4 grade we had to beg to go to each others house, and it didn't happen hardely at all. but it was so awkward to go to eachothers houses cause we like.. never went there. but then in about fifth grade and maybe sixth grade we had to beg and plan to go to eachothers houses after church, it was hard cause she lives in boise and i live in meridian, and then we didn't have youth group. and so one parent had to take an hour out of their afternoon. but yeah... then in sixth grade i got to go to youth group too, and so it was easier, cause... well yeah, cause we have youth group on sunday nights. and there were no extra trips. then in seventh grade (for me, eighth for dani) it became something we didn't even have to ask about, and now we still go to someones house EVERY sunday and all we do now is say which house we're going to, no asking =] haha

out of all the years me and dani have been friends this summer and this school year have probly been the hardest for us. over the summer she usually came to meridian all day thursday and tuesday with her mom to work at the church, and i would come ot work wiht my dad and we'd hang out 3 times a week. but last summer dani got a babysitting job for tuesdays. i got a job from them to, but did it on fridays. well this made me kinda mad and sad all at the same time, if i remember right, she told me over IM and i went and cried for about 2 hours. but i was mad abotu it all through the summer, becuase it was now 2 days a week. and only 1 jst us. but then on top of that, she decided to join cheer, ugh. lot of things, sleepovers, days at roaring springs, everything. but that summer proved that no matter what happens, nothing can make me and dani love eachother less.

thats one thing about dani, i know that no matter what, she'll never love me and less. adn i guess thats why we get into so many fights. cause we know it wont change how much we love eachother. we get into little fights ALL the time. and occasionally, rele big ones. but the little fights are kind of fun. we both have TOTALLY different opinion on some things, and we're both VERY presistant people.
like 2 weeks ago we were fighting over which is better, ice cream or guys. that would explain one of my polls on here
well... theres so much more i could say abotu my amazing best friend... but i'm gettin a little tired. so i'll cut it a little short =]

Dani and i do a lot together. we used to take ice skating lessons together, and we went every saturday. but we're just too busy. and she named my hamster, Oliver. and she helped me pick him out, and set up my room that night for him. and we;ve had TONS of sleepovers, and we usually stay up rele late and talk... well... anways. i guess i'll finish by saying i couldn't ask for a better best friend <3

friends <3 <3 <3 <3

I'm going to write about all my friends, i started this out in one post earlier but that didn't work out, so i'm doing a sperate post for each of you, but i think i'm only going to do one person a day, so i can write TONS more about them then i currently have =]

Theater Practice!

Last night i had to go to another dinner theater practice with some of my youth group to practice our play, Mystery at Montley's Manor... i was sooo bored tho! cause i don't come in till the very last scene and i only have a few lines. and so i sat and watched it for like an hour and a half before i had to go hide in a closet and come into the play! but afterwards i was waiting for my ride cause shreela had to try on another dress for costume and ashley was trying one on too! and so she tells me to come into the bathroom with her... and was jst like ok whatever... so i walk in and her pants and shirt and jst all over the floor, and she lifts up her dress and she says CAN U HELP ME PUT MY PANTS ON! and i jst look at her for a few seconds, and almost at the exact same time we both just started laughing HISTARICALLY! and she was like PLEASE! and i was like uh yeah right! i am not going to help u put ur pants on! and ashley was like well then fine b that way! so i was like, ill hold up ur dress and u put on ur own pants! so yeah, i helped her and we laughed the whole time, then when we got out she forgot her shirt so she ran back n and grabbed it off the floor, and then she saw JD right down the hall so her hid behind me and put her shirt on... and she was like UR MY HUMAN SHEILD SO I CAN GET DRESSED! and we started laughing even harder! so yeah... that made up for how stinkin bored i was for the two hours before! haha! yeah. but that was our like 3rd to last practice or somthing. wait, now we have 3 more! cause we're performing the 9th and 10th!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Poll happy!

haha in case u haven't noticed, i've been a little poll happy lately... cause they're fun! but i need some more ideas, so if u have one, let me know! hahahahahahaa i'm hyper!