Sunday, June 20, 2010

Psalm 62:5-6

Psalm 62:5-6 is definitely one of my favorites. I just love it.

Find rest, O my soul, in God alone;
my hope comes from him.

He alone is my rock and my salvation;
he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.

The whole 62nd Psalm is so great, but I love this part especially. It means a few different things.

First off, it's tied to some really great memories. Psalm 62:2 was the Girls on The Rock bible study group's verse. And I loved the verse, and it just so happens to be exactly the same as verse 6. I loved that group, and it has some really really great memories with it. But then a few years after we stopped having Girls on the Rock, I came across Psalm 62. I read it, and loved it. And then after thinking about it for a few minutes I realized where I had read that verse before, and it became all the more special.

I just love what it says. It gives me a lot of hope and warm fuzzies. I have a place to rest and I have a rock through EVERYTHING! It's just so amazing! This verse applies through the good times and the bad. When things are going great, it's just kinda saying to me this is the reason you're so happy and if anything happens, it's not the end of the world. I'll be ok. And then in the hard times, it gives me hope for the future, and it makes me feel a whole lot better about where I'm at. I have a place to get away from it all, and that place is God, and He will ALWAYS be there.

So not matter what, I have a resting place, hope, and a rock and everlasting foundation. I'm set for life, and the rest of forever.

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