My mind is always racing. It never stops. I know it's this way for everyone. But I have so many opinions about everything. And I want to put them all out there. So I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to pick up my blog again and run.
Judge me all you want. I'm trying to get over that. And I guess part of putting yourself and your opinions out there and being judged for them is just a part of life. It's hard for me, but I can't change human nature. I can't change the fact that not everyone feels the same way about everything. And I know that. Just don't tear me down for what I say, that's all I ask.
So take the things I say and do what you wish. Take it in and think about it, act on it, read it and forget it, or argue against it. Your choice. This is mostly something I think I want to do for me. But I'd love it if people could see me for who I am a little better. I always feel misread and misunderstood. It's basically the story of my life.
For my first new post. I wanna talk about who I am. There's a personality test that nails me really well. It's called the Myers-Briggs. (I think). And it's divided into four different parts of a personality. Where you get your energy, how you see things, how you handle things, and stuff like that.
So basically how that typing system works is the end result is a combination of four different letters. Mine is INFP. Each letter standing for something different. There are only two different possibilities for each of them, but when they are put together it nails most people very well. To start off I'll just list what each of my letters mean, and explain each.
I - Introvert
N -Intuitive
F - Feeler
P - Preceiver
Introversion is something that is always misunderstood. It doesn't mean I'm just completely shy and keep to myself and hate people. NO! Not at all. Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert is determined mainly by where you get your energy. Being an introvert is a huge part of ME. Here are some characteristics of the typical introvert: Think before you speak (and which others would do the same), enjoy time to yourself, are perceived as a good listener, are often classified as shy, reserved, would rather spend time with one person or only a few people, like stating thoughts and feelings without being interrupted (I think thats why blogging that kind of thing is appealing to me!), need to "recharge" alone after you've spent time socializing with a group.
So I hope thats understandable. I know for people that don't understand how introverted people tick we come across in a very negative way. So I'm hoping to start setting the record straight. (:
I feel like this is getting super long, and the other three parts I don't really have to explain as much. So, the next one is intuition. This one is how you gather data, you can either be a sensor, how likes specific answers, concrete instructions, and hard facts, etc. or you can be Intuitive. People who are intuitive think about several things all the time and at once, are accused of being absentminded, more excited about where your going than where you are, give general answers, don't like "boring details", like analogies, and often ask "what does this mean?" And one more thats totally me, you get irritated when people ask a lot of questions and push for specific details. Ok. I think you get it, but I'm totally intuitive. So I hope that explains a lot too.
The next is that I'm a feeler rather than a thinker when it comes to decisions. Some characteristics of a feeler are... good decisions take others' feelings into account, feel that love can not be defined, are willing to overextend yourself to meet others' needs, people take advantage of you, consider how things will affect other people, often accused of taking things too personally, and prefer harmony over clarity. Things like that (:
In the type of lifestyle, I am a preceiver rather than a judger. People who are preceivers are.... easily distracted, love to explore new things, don't plan tasks but what to see what it demands, people accuse you of being disorganized, depend on last minute spurts of energy to meet deadlines but always make the deadline even if you drive everyone else crazy, what's important is creativity, spontaneity, etc. turns most work into play, change the subject often and at random, don't like to be pinned down about most things you'd rather keep your options open, and stuff like that. (:
So thats basically me. When they are all put together it tells a lot more, like INFP is considered the healer. But I won't go into that right now, this is so long, and I'm sure you're just bored to tears. But I just want to be understood. It's important to me.
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