Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mystery at Montley's Manor

Since March or April, the MFC bible quiz team has been working on a dinner theater, Mystery At Montley's Manor, as a fundraiser for next year! it was kinda annoying being at the church earlier every sunday again, but we had some fun being together. and Friday and Saturday we performed, and we had a lot of fun with a few surprises, forgotten lines, messed up stage props, and serving people... friday i served "Garrett's People" as he put it, and Saturday i served my family neighbors and Kaylin from school and her mom. well heres some pics.....

Ok... so Dereks Charaacter (Robert) was Montley's son, and Montley (who was played by Marcus) had died and Charrolette (Shreela) his nurse had inheritted the manor.... soo derek's ccharacter wanted the manor, and so pretended to like shreela.... so in the first pic they were saying they're lines about getting married and shreela says "OH Robert! you mean it! we can get married!" and there was a kissing scene somewhere else but we took it out, but shreela added this one in on Saturday and got a lot of extra money donated cause she talked to some people about it (including my dad, so he donated an extra 20$) so after she said that line, she (tried) to kiss derek, but derek didn't know about it.... so yeah. that explains his face in the second picture, and he was trying to pull away, there was also money on it that derek would forget his next line, but he didn't. but when he exited his face is still red and he was like 'so we were just sitting there saying our lines, and then i see her coming at me! and i was like OMG!! so I pulled away but she just kept coming!!!' so yeha, it was funny.
there's Charolette (shreela), Jones (Ryker), and Mora (Ashley) all sitting on the couch during our play, i think that was when i was up there, they're all looking in my direction

there the peoples in the kitchen, and me (Sherriff!!!!!) arresting Guy Nestor (JD) and me saying one of my 3 whole lines =] theres me serving dessert saturday night...
there's me serving dessert to "Garrett's People" as he put it on friday night, and then theres Robert (derek) Cook (Dani) Gertrude (Natalie) and Charolette (shreela!) and this picture was the very first time i had seen that costume for shreela, i'm always in the back!

haha kyle was a hobo! hahaha he was old Tom, Garrett had played Thomas, the butler, adn kyle was the older version of him as a hobo cause he had lost his job.... as the butler! and garrett loves his mommy!
haha ryker's character (Jones) was supposed to be fat, and lets jst say ryker isnt fat. so we had this one thing under his shirt to make him fat... i thought it looked hillarious. one of my favorite lines of his (accually my 2nd favorite) was "I'm fat because i eat, but what's your excuse for being ugly Fay (haley)?? so yeah....

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